How to set offline mode for chrome while running robotframework tests

Is it possible with robotframework seleniumLibrary to set offline mode for chrome.

Bumping this as a product of ours is also looking into this, Anyone have any idea?

@Mamad @Wolfe1 hi guys! I know it’s quite a long period of time passed, but can you please advise - have you had a chance to fix/avoid you problem?

I don’t have the answer, but maybe I can give some information that will help someone figure out the answer.

Enabling offline mode (or low bandwidth modes) is done through DevTools in chrome:

So I then searched if DevTools could be manipulated with Selenium and found this:

It talks about running javascript commands in the console, so I’m hoping something similar could be triggered with Execute Javascript?

That’s as far as I got, but hopefully that helps :crossed_fingers:


Hi Dave,

Here’s an answer on another thread I just replied:




Excellent, forgot what I intended to use this for originally when I posted back in 2022 but now at least there is a solution out there to help anyone else.

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