How to create an array for input Data In ROBOT FRAMEWORK

How to create an array for input Data In ROBOT FRAMEWORK

By default table should be like this…,

enter image description here

After that, click Add Device, then some input I given.

Now rows will be Created like this… enter image description here

How can I give input as arrays for this table.

Anyone try to solve this problem

Thank you…!

Hi @Abhishek,

It’s not really a problem, more a matter of choice how you want to manage your data.

When you say you want to use an array, do you mean a list or a dictionary, python has both types and so Robot Framework inherits both, for now I’ll assume you are not talking about a c style character array (string) or a byte array.

So for the simplest example, with a simple list you can just use the builtin Create List and pass the list you created directly to your add device keyword. but what if the developer adds a new field?

So using Create Dictionary might be a better choice, then you can key value pairs where the keys match the field names so if a new field is added it’ll be easier to maintain your tests

That answers the question for creating 1 device, for multiple devices you can simply copy your first test with the Create Dictionary and add device keywords, change the data in the dictionary and now you have a second test to add a second device, if you only have a few test cases that might be all you need.

If you have a lot of test cases that test many permutations of add device then you might want to use an external data file, like the builtin Variable files with python or YAML or even the datadriver library

As I said at the beginning it’s your choice how you want to manage your data, Robot Framework gives you many options so you can choose what works best for you.


Hii @damies13
now I got some idea
but, some confusion in this page,
when I am clicking add device button
one new pop-up window will open, then need to give input and some options need to select
then click on save button
one row is going to be created

Thanks & Regards

RTU2000-PORTS_AddDevice.ROBOT (9.8 KB)

Please go through this file
and let me know
where I need to do changes

Hi @Abhishek,

I was not able to download that file, please post the relevant section (not the whole file) inside a code block (use ``` on a line by itself at the start and end of the code block)

But as I mentioned you first need to decide which strategy you want to use, you didn’t mention which one you choose?


Hi @damies13
I choose Create List
emphasised text
this is the code I written earlier :

*** Settings ***
Documentation RTU2000 PORTS Testing
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library Collections

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} Chrome
@{Baud Rate LIST} Choose Baud Rate 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
@{Stop Bits LIST} Choose Stop Bits 1 2
@{Data Bits LIST} Choose Data Bits 7 8
@{Partity LIST} Choose Partity Odd Even None

@{Device Status LIST} Choose Status Enable Disable
@{Periodicity LIST} Choose Periodicity 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

${Length} ${0}
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser to the login RTU2000 page
FOR ${portNumber} IN RANGE 1 3
Validate Modbus Config Options ${portNumber}
#[Teardown] Close Browser

*** Keywords ***
Open Browser to the login RTU2000 page
Open Browser chrome
Maximize Browser Window
Input Text Name=username Admin
Input Text Name=password softel123
Click button Login
Sleep 10

Validate Modbus Config Options
[Arguments] ${portNumber}
Log To Console Port = ${portNumber}

${elementId}=   Set Variable  sidebarModbus${portNumber}BTN
Log To Console   ${elementId}    

Click Element       sidebarModbus${portNumber}BTN          
Sleep   3s

Wait Until Element Is Visible  id=modBaudrateVAL  timeout=3            
${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=modBaudrateVAL
Log To Console  ${OptionList}
Log To Console  ${Baud Rate LIST}
Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Baud Rate LIST}

Wait Until Element Is Visible  id=modstopbitsVAL  timeout=3            
${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=modstopbitsVAL
Log To Console  ${OptionList}
Log To Console  ${Stop Bits LIST}
Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Stop Bits LIST}

Wait Until Element Is Visible  id=moddatabitsVAL  timeout=3         
${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=moddatabitsVAL
Log To Console  ${OptionList}
Log To Console  ${Data Bits LIST}
Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Data Bits LIST}

Wait Until Element Is Visible  id=modpartityVAL  timeout=3          
${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=modpartityVAL
Log To Console  ${OptionList}
Log To Console  ${Partity LIST}
Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Partity LIST}

#Add Device

FOR     ${Index}  IN RANGE  2   4
    Click Element       id=deviceaddBTN
    Sleep   1s

    ${Length}=  set variable  ${Length+1}
    Log To Console    Length: ${Length}

    Wait Until Element Is Visible  id=device_selectedStatusTXT  timeout=3   
    ${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=device_selectedStatusTXT
    Log To Console  ${OptionList}
    Log To Console  ${Device Status LIST}
    Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Device Status LIST}

    Click Element     id=device_selectedStatusTXT                                              
    Select From List By Value   id=device_selectedStatusTXT     1

    Click Element   id=device_deviceNameTXT
    Input Text  id=device_deviceNameTXT   MET_${Index}

    Click Element   id=device_deviceLocationTXT
    Input Text  id=device_deviceLocationTXT   LOC_${Index}

    Click Element   id=device_slaveAddSelectedTXT
    Input Text  id=device_slaveAddSelectedTXT   ${Index}

    Click Element   id=device_ResTimeoutTXT
    Input Text  id=device_ResTimeoutTXT     2

    Click Element   id=device_deviceRetriesTXT
    Input Text  id=device_deviceRetriesTXT      10

    Click Element   id=periodicityDwnVal
    ${OptionList} =  Get List Items  id=periodicityDwnVal
    Log To Console  ${OptionList}
    Log To Console  ${Periodicity LIST}
    Lists Should Be Equal  ${OptionList}  ${Periodicity LIST}
    Click Element     id=periodicityDwnVal
    Select From List By Value   id=periodicityDwnVal     20
    Sleep   2s
    Click Element    id=deviceSaveBTN
    Sleep   2s

    ${Length}=  set variable  ${Length+1}
    Log To Console    Length: ${Length}

FOR ${RowRange} IN RANGE 2 4
${Rows}= get element count Xpath=//[@id=“devicetableListid”]/tbody/tr #Counting No.of rows
${Columns}= get element count Xpath=//
[@id=“devicetableListid”]/tbody/tr[${RowRange}]/td #Counting No.of columns
Log To Console No.Of ROWS = ${Rows}
Log To Console No.Of COLUMNS = ${Columns}

    FOR     ${Inbox}    IN RANGE    1   10
        ${Data}=     get text    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]/tbody/tr[${RowRange}]/td[${Inbox}]               #Get Data                   
        Log To Console      ${Data}

    table column should contain     Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]      7      10                            #Validation
    table row should contain     Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]       2    2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   1   2                             #Cell Validation    
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   2   Enable
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   3  MET_2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   4  LOC_2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   5  2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   6  2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   7  10
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     3   8  20

    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   1   3                             #Cell Validation      
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   2   Enable
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   3   MET_3
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   4   LOC_3
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   5   3
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   6   2
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   7   10
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     4   8   20

    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   1   4                             #Cell Validation      
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   2   Disable
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   3   MET_11
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   4   LOC_22
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   5   64
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   6   6
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   7   3
    table cell should contain    Xpath=//*[@id="devicetableListid"]     5   8   30


Need to create array for store the input data for validation …
I use table cell should contain keyword
just you look at this code
Header row of table is no need to change
remaining rows need to modified…

Thank you soo much

Abhishek. K

you can go through validation code sir

My “hot take” for something like this - either create a CSV file for the values you want or store the values in a DB and read them in at runtime. You could do the latter without writing any non-Robot code, but the former will require a bit of Python.