Hi! I am quite stuck. Seems like a basic thing in all languages, but I can’t find a way to initiate 2D array in Robot.
What I need to do. I have a 2x3 web table.
1 2
3 4
6 7
I need to create a 2D array from it.
What I’ve got:
FOR ${row_num} IN RANGE 1 ${rows+1}
${row_num} Evaluate ${row_num}+${1} #2 index is a first row in table
FOR ${column_num} IN RANGE 1 ${columns+1}
${CellItem} Get Table Cell xpath=//table[@class='mat-table cdk-table classifier-table'] ${row_num} ${column_num}
${tableitems}[${row_num}][${column_num}] Evaluate ${CellItem} - THIS is the place I stuck. Can't find anythig that can help.
Thanks for ideas in advance.