How do you input a URL when no authentication is use?

I am new to automated testing and the framework so please bear with me.
I have an internal website for an application where we do not use http or https.
It appears Selenium requires the url to have an http or https prefix otherwise an error is thrown. I could not locate another keyword which I could use so let me know if a better one exists for this issue.

These are my variables:
${browser} chrome

My test case:
open browser ${url} ${browser}
maximize browser window
sleep 5s
close browser

If I place a http or https in front of the url is input into the address bar but of course, I receive a 404. (The – in front are placed because new users cannot have more than two links in a post)

If I do not use http or https I receive the following error:

PS C:\Work\Robot Scripts\ME> [35488:168:0214/] START: ReportBluetoothAvailability(). If you don’t see the END: message, this is–.
[35488:168:0214/] END: ReportBluetoothAvailability()
[35488:168:0214/] START: GetDefaultBrowser(). If you don’t see the END: message, this is–.
[35488:35224:0214/] [16:15:35.304] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[35488:35224:0214/] [16:15:35.311] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[35488:35224:0214/] [16:15:35.311] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[35488:168:0214/] END: GetDefaultBrowser()

Hi @bweston ,

As per the documentation Open Browser is designed to be used with the http or https like this:

	Open Browser	Chrome

Are you saying you get a 404 if you set your url variable to this?


if that’s giving you a 404, it’s probably not a selenium library or robot framework issue, so I would suggest trying that url in incognito mode to see if you really get a 404? make sure you do this from the machine that you are running your robot script on.

There is some other ways you can enter a url, but I expect this will give you the same 404 error, but I’ll include them as an FYI

	Open Browser	http://${url}	Chrome


	Open Browser	about:blank		Chrome		# opens chrome with a blank page
	Go To	${url}

I resolved the problem. The URL I was using was incorrect as I appended the word “login” after .com (/login). This is why I was receiving the 404.

Thank you for reviewing the issue.

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