First, you should fix the code formatting in this message, you can edit the code block, by using triple backticks, like (discard the '):
My code block
You did not show the exact error problem, but if the error is: No keyword with name 'create session myssion ${base_url} it means you did not use the minimum spacing of two spaces to separate keywords and arguments.
If that is not the case, then it could be the wrong import of the library which should be Library RequestsLibrary.
you see there are 2 spaces between “n” from word session and “m” from word myssion.
May i ask which IDE are you using for writing your RF code?
As a hint - i’m using PyCharm Community Edition and have a Plugin called: “Hyper RobotFrameWork Support” This works for me the best and it will mostly avoid coding format issues