Getting this error everytime while executing Automation for Android using Robot Framework + Appium via Jenkins. However this error only occurs while executing from Jenkins using scheduling, This error doesn’t appear when we I execute same thing with local terminal with the same setup and environment.
Note: pip3 list is identical for Jenkins and Local system. It might be regarding something other environment setup or adb issue.
Just spectulating, Is there any issue with adb/adb server timeout. Because my phone stays connected with system ideal for approx. 5-7 hours !!!
WARN ] Keyword ‘Capture Page Screenshot’ could not be run on failure: WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: ‘GET /screenshot’ cannot be proxied to UiAutomator2 server because the instrumentation process is not running (probably crashed). Check the server log and/or the logcat output for more details
Thanks in Adcance