Error : This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 78


The last week, all works fine and this week, my tests fail because of this error :

“FAIL : SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 78”.

I don’t understand… I have trying to dowload the latest version of chromedriver but it doesn’t work.

For information, my Chrome version is “86.0.4240.111”.

My organisation is the following :

  • Variable : ${Browser} chrome

  • Keyword : Open Browser ${Browser}

Thanks for your help !

You have to download right version of ChromeDriver matching your Chrome version. Since you are using Chrome version 86 you need to ChromeDriver matching that version ( Latest ChromeDriver version is for Chrome version 87.

Thanks a lot.
It works !
I have already done this (I’m wrong when I’ve said that I have donwload the latest version… It was the matching version with my Chrome version).
The difference is that I have closed my Chrome session before installing the driver.

Thanks for all !