Element not interactable with SeleniumLibrary

I am developing an automated test robot with fobotramework (python) I get this error message after I run it: ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable (Session info: chrome = 89.0.4389.72)
Here is the code:

Click Element    //input[@id='fs_nyilatkozat_tudkut']
 ScreenShot    FlipSwitchKijelolve.png
Click Element    //button[@id='bt_benyujtas'] 
Screenshot    FlipSwitchKlikkAfterSleep.png

What’s wrong, why doesn’t it work?

The notes on ElementNotInteractable Exception say “Thrown when an element is present in the DOM but interactions with that element will hit another element due to paint order”. Does the screenshots indicate the same?

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I moved that topic to SeleniumLibrary.

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i got the same problem. it’s work right now? and what’s wrong

Try to use this: Press Keys locator_here ENTER