I’m using a custom reader_class
to read from a database rather than a csv file. So a simplified version of my test looks like this:
*** Settings ***
Library DataDriver reader_class=sql_reader
... dbname=${CUSTOMER}
... client_encoding=latin1
... query=SELECT pay_period_date, employee_code, posted_flag FROM table
... title_str=Period %s Employee %s Posted %s
... title_vars=pay_period_date employee_code posted_flag
... extra_vars=method: Detailed, Summary; work_flag: Yes; xml_posted_flag: Yes, No, Yes
Test Template Print Payroll Reports Diff
*** Variables ***
${work_flag} Yes
*** Test Cases ***
Print Payroll Reports Diff N Default Default Default Default Default Default
*** Keywords ***
Print Payroll Reports Diff
... ${pay_period_date}
... ${employee_code}
... ${posted_flag}
... ${method}
... ${work_flag}
... ${xml_posted_flag}
Rest of test runs from here
So the reader_class runs the sql and returns a TestCaseData
object for each row with args containing the values from the row: pay_period_date, employee_code, posted_flag
It can also append additional static arguments which are given in extra_vars
, which is ;
delimited to separate each argument. Each argument contains several comma separated values. The custom reader sets each extra_var to one of these options sequentially, sort of like a truth table.
The sql_reader
is implemented using the psycopg python module as I only need to use it for PostgreSQL.
The code is here if anyone finds it useful:
from DataDriver.AbstractReaderClass import (
) # inherit class from AbstractReaderClass
from DataDriver.ReaderConfig import (
) # return list of TestCaseData to DataDriver
import psycopg
from psycopg.rows import dict_row
class sql_reader(AbstractReaderClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.dbname = self.kwargs["dbname"]
self.query = self.kwargs["query"]
self.title_str = self.kwargs["title_str"]
self.title_vars = self.kwargs["title_vars"]
self.client_encoding = self.kwargs["client_encoding"]
self.extra_vars = {}
if "extra_vars" in self.kwargs.keys():
# extra_vars is a string that we need to parse into a python dict
# string format "key1: value1, value2; key2: value1, value2"
# result {'key1': ['value1', 'value2'], 'key2': ['value1', 'value2']
self.extra_vars = {}
for variable in self.kwargs["extra_vars"].split(";"):
key, values = variable.split(":")
key = key.strip()
values_list = [v.strip() for v in values.split(",")]
self.extra_vars[key] = values_list
def get_data_from_source(self):
print(f"Connecting to database {self.dbname}")
dbconn = psycopg.connect(
dbname=self.dbname, user="username", client_encoding=self.client_encoding
test_data = []
cursor = dbconn.cursor(row_factory=dict_row)
print(f"Fetching test cases with query: {self.query}")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
total_rows = len(rows)
for row_i, row in enumerate(rows):
vars = tuple(row[c] for c in self.title_vars.split())
test_name = self.title_str % vars
args = {"${" + key + "}": value for key, value in row.items()}
# append next selection from extra_vars using modulus of row index
for extra_key, extra_options in self.extra_vars.items():
selected_option = extra_options[row_i % len(extra_options)]
args["${" + extra_key + "}"] = selected_option
test_name += f" {extra_key} {selected_option}"
TestCaseData(test_name, args, [""], f"{row_i+1}/{total_rows}")
) # add a TestCaseData object to the list of tests.
for d in test_data:
return test_data # return the list of TestCaseData to DataDriver
Now this is might be too niche to consider adding it to the DataDriver module. But perhaps something similar but more generic could be added that can work with all of the major relational databases. I noticed that pandas is already a dependency of DataDriver, so that might work without adding more dependencies. Otherwise perhaps sqlalchemy or records?
Anyone else using SQL data driven tests?
@René would you be open to a PR for this?