New DataDriver Relase Candidate

:robot: DataDriver 1.0.0 RELEASE! :robot:

Is ready for test.
#pabot 1.10.0 is compatible with --testlevelsplit
Data Types supported


| ${scalar}       |
| Sum List        |
| Should be Equal |
| Whos your Daddy |
| Should be Equal |
| Should be Equal |
| Should be Equal |


| @{list} |
| 1,2,3,4 |
| a,b,c,d |
| !,",',$ |
| 1       |
|         |
| [1,2]   |

Dicts (uses Create Dictionary)

| &{dict}               |
| key=value             |
| key,value             |
| z,value,a,value2      |
| key=value             |
| a=${2}                |
| key=value,key2=value2 |

Literal Evaluations

| e{eval}            |
| [1,2,3,4]          |
| True               |
| {'Daddy' : 'René'} |
| 1                  |
| "string"           |
| None               |

And it can create also nested Dictionaries…

| ${user}[id] | ${user}[name][first] | ${} |
| 1           | Pekka                | Klärck            |
| 2           | Ed                   | Manlove           |
| 3           | Tatu                 | Aalto             |
| 4           | Jani                 | Mikkonen          |
| 5           | Mikko                | Korpela           |
| 6           | Ismo                 | Aro               |

Which is the same than this:

| e{user}                                          |
| {'id': '1', 'first': 'Pekka', 'last': 'Klärck'}  |
| {'id': '2', 'first': 'Ed', 'last': 'Manlove'}    |
| {'id': '3', 'first': 'Tatu', 'last': 'Aalto'}    |
| {'id': '4', 'first': 'Jani', 'last': 'Mikkonen'} |
| {'id': '5', 'first': 'Mikko', 'last': 'Korpela'} |
| {'id': '6', 'first': 'Ismo', 'last': 'Aro'}      |

Please test it in your productive environment!
pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework-datadriver
If no issues appear, i will release it in a week.

Edit 20:15

delete an el from an elif and now it also supports new RF 4.0 syntax for variable types.
${dict}[test] -> does mean the value behind the key test is used as scalar
&{dict}[test] -> does mean that the value is interpreted as unpacked dictionary.
@{dict}[test] -> does mean that value in test is an unpacked list.

| &{dict.dict} | @{dict.list}        | e{exp.dict}     | e{exp.list}   |
| key=value    | 1,2,3               | {'key':'value'} | ["1","2","3"] |
| key,${1.9}   | ${1},${2},${3},${4} | {'key':1.9}     | [1,2,3,4]     |
| key=${False} | ${TRUE}, ${1.9}     | {'key':False}   | [True, 1.9]   |

Which means in that list: {dict} and {exp} are equal!
{'dict': {'key': 'value'}, 'list': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
{'dict': {'key': 1.9}, 'list': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
{'dict': {'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2'}, 'list': [True, '', 1.9, None]}

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