Converting robot framework file into independent executable file

I have a test.robot file , I want to convert it to test.exe file that can run indpendently on any windows machine without the need to install any other depedencies like python or robotframework. is this possible?

Hi Apawae,

Possible maybe, I think I saw something a long time ago where someone had done this.

If I remember correctly they used one of the python to exe converters and gave the python -m robot <path to>/test.robot command, but I don’t remember the details as It’s not something I ever needed.

I think it was on the google mailing list I saw it, If I find it I’ll post a link.


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Here are some of the relevant posts:

As I mentioned I’ve not done this myself, but hopefully this helps you in the right direction.


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Pyinstaller I’ve used a few times, really straight forward, never tried the other though (first link Dave shared):blush:

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