I am trying to find the element by the content-desc attribute and after many tests I have verified that the source of the application page does not include the content-desc attribute for any element in the robotframework automation
It’s really weird because the attribute is displayed by other software like uiautomatorviewer and appium-desktop.
This is the output of the element that i get in Robotframework
<android.widget.ImageButton index="0" package="XXXXX" class="android.widget.ImageButton" text="" checkable="false" checked="false" clickable="true" enabled="true" focusable="true" focused="false" long-clickable="false" password="false" scrollable="false" selected="false" bounds="[0,171][154,325]" displayed="true" />
If i inspect the element in the uiautomationviewer i see the attribute content-desc.
content-desc=Navigate up
I want to use content-desc attribute to find element in automation.
Exists any appium capability option to setup and get the complete source xml with all attributes or this is a bug?
Thank for all your help