Topic for comments about Browser library keyword Select Options By
Is there a simple method to select ALL options when you may not know what they even are or how many there may be?
Hi Scott,
I don’t believe there is an option for that but it’s quite easy for you to implement one by combining Get Element Count with a for loop wrapped around Select Options By using the select by index option.
here’s an example, with html like this:
<select multiple id="myselect">
<option value="syyn34">random value</option>
<option value="yhs682">another item</option>
<option value="lidy02">Other than this</option>
You should be able to do something like this:
${count}= Get Element Count //select[@id="myselect"]/option
FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${count}
Select Options By id=myselect ${i}
You could then take it a step further like this:
*** Keywords ***
Select All Options
[Attributes] ${id}
${count}= Get Element Count //select[@id="${id}"]/option
FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${count}
Select Options By id=${id} ${i}
Hope that helps,
Thanks you @damies13
I was about to start doing something like that before I posted the question… but I like your approach much more than what I was first thinking involving a List.
I wasn’t sure if I was missing something simple that is natively available on the Keyword, as I’ve just started trying to use the Browser library a couple days ago and was trying to see how much effort it would take to ‘convert’ from using Selenium Library.
@mkorpela ,
I am trying to capture the alerts , popups that appear dynamically while running the test suite . Please can you suggest me a better way to do this with Robot framework ? .