Dynamic DropDown

I’m New For Robot frameWork ,Please Guide me for How to enter a value for dynamic input type text and drop-down .

Hi @Ashwini.Mali

Couple questions:
→ Selenium Library || Browser Library?
→ What have you attempted so far?
→ Are you comfortable getting the locator/s of elements?

Both Selenium Library and Browser Library have some very detailed documentation, which generally has examples to get one started.

Browser library:

Selecting an option from a dropdown by ‘value’ example:
Select Options By id='PRODUCT_TYPE' value ROV

Entering text example:
Fill Text id=loginModel_Username ${username}

Selenium library:

You can try keywords:
‘Select From List By Label’
‘Select From List By Value’

An example:
Select From List By Value xpath://div[@id="example"] 3244

Entering text example:
Input Text id:loginModel_Username ${username}

It’s defiantly worth looking at the supporting documentation, understanding and trying the keywords yourself imo first as that will help you grow and to get more comfortable quicker, same with understanding how to grab and get the different types of locators for elements.

I hope the above helps you to get started :slight_smile:

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