Hi All ,
I am using macbook air M1 and started writing the test script using pycharm IDE(2022.3.2).
The issue after the successful run the test is closing (I do not have added any close broswer or close all browser or anything )
Below is the sample .
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Documentation A test suit to open the orange e-commerce platform and perform login
Resource keywords.resource
Default Tags amazonlogin
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Login to flipkart
[Tags] open flipkart site
Open Browser https://opensource-demo.orangehrmlive.com/web/index.php/auth/login chrome
Maximize Browser Window
Wait Until Element Is Visible //input[@name='username']
Input Text //input[@name='username'] admin
Input Password //input[@name='password'] admin123
Click Button //button[contains(@class,'login-button')]
Below is the log run
note - there is no error showing when I am running just the browser is closing -
[ WARN ] Imported resource file '/Users/praveenkumar/PycharmProjects/automation/TestScript/keywords.resource' is empty.
HomePage :: A test suit to open the amazon e-commerce platform and perform ...
Login to flipkart | PASS |
HomePage :: A test suit to open the amazon e-commerce platform and... | PASS |
1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output: /Users/praveenkumar/PycharmProjects/automation/results/output.xml
Log: /Users/praveenkumar/PycharmProjects/automation/results/log.html
Report: /Users/praveenkumar/PycharmProjects/automation/results/report.html
I am using robotframework-seleniumlibrary , python version -3.11.1
Let me know if any other details is required .
Praveen Kumar