Cannot see all the keywords in RIDE from the Selenium library

Hi … i am a new to Robot Framework.
I have downloaded more than two libraries, but I only see Selenium and Built.
The problem is I can’t see all the keywords in RIDE from the Selenium library.
I don’t know if something went wrong during the installation or if I missed something.

I followed the steps to install Python, Selenium library.
Only some keywords can be found in opened RIDE, for example, I see “Close Browser” but I can’t see “Open Browser”, or I can’t see “Enter Text” and many other commands.
Then I found that the PATH was created in user variables, not system variables.
I added C:\Python36 and C:\Python36\Scripts to the system variable, but that doesn’t solve my problem.

Please advise.

Hi @natK,

can you try to install the latest prerelease ot RIDE?
pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework-ride

the release can imho not handle the type hints well…

Hi … after installation, i was getting
C:\Python36\lib\sute-package\robotide\contrib\testrunner\ failed…
No model named ‘psutil’

Try to fix that with

pip install psutil

Maybe @HelioGuilherme66 forgot that dependency

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yes… Yes … YEs … YES … YES !!! … it WORS … THANK YOU …
Why is it happen ? Did i do something wrong during installation ?

And now i can see new problem on Edit screen in RIDE: table take bigger size and it blank(even i have couple of lines in Test Editor)…

Is it possible to fix RIDE or uninstall Robot Framework and re-install is the better option ? 2020-10-02_11-42-40

:joy: happy to help!!!

That looks normal for the ***** Settings ***** and *** Variables *** sections.

Yes, I did forgot when published 2.0b1, it is fixed now on development version. I could make a new 2.0b2, but I would like to have some more handy features.

Users should know the RIDE’s project page and see its README,

in my case all the fields at the Test Case level look ok … that doesn’t bother me now … thank you

Thanks @René @natK pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework-ride worked
Please continue your support for beginners like me

This command is not working for me is there any other solution??

can u help me with other command

@René i have tried these commands but same problem still exist