Appiumlibrary - Getting error platform name is missing in the capabilities

I am using Appiumlibrary version 2.1.0 and robotframework version 7.0.1. I am getting the error even after explicitly passing the platform name.

*** Settings ***
Library  AppiumLibrary

*** Variables ***


*** Keywords ***

Open test app
    ${REMOTE_URL}=   Set Variable       https://${LT_USERNAME}:${LT_ACCESS_KEY}@${REMOTE_URL}

    Open Application	${REMOTE_URL}    platformName=ios  platformVersion=${platformVersion}

*** Test Cases ***

Open test app

WebDriverException: Message: platform name is missing in the capabilities

How to resolve this?

hello i think it is a typo problem and platformName values are case sensitive
try with iOS and Android

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Also, maybe you should be consistent with spacing, always four spaces. I see two spaces.

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