I am new to RobotFramework, I work with Pycharm IDE and I don’t understand why my .resource files don’t recognize my own libraries in my project :
File /tmp_users/${USER}/EnvAuto/Supervisor/v1/resources/keywords/Cible.resource:
*** Settings ***
Library %{RESOURCES_PATH}/libraries/TargetKeywords.py
This last line is underlined in red in my case, like the Robocorp plug-in doesn’t succeed to import my library while my test works so is not a real error. It’s seems to be a display error because the plug-in is not well configured. When I put my mouse on the line, I have this error:
Unresolved library: %{RESOURCES_PATH}/libraries/GeneralKeywords.py. Error generating libspec: Importing test library ‘GeneralKeywords’ failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘v1’ Consider adding the needed paths to the “robot.pythonpath” setting and calling the “Robot Framework: Clear caches and restart” action.
RESOURCES_PATH is a variable which define the complete path of my resources folder so it’s : /tmp_users/${USER}/EnvAuto/Supervisor/v1/resources
The path I write is correct because as I said it works but can you tel me what can I configure in the settings in Pycharm environment to fix this error and so to have a functional environment?
Because I don’t understand why the plug-in recognizes external library which are generated in libspecs folder and not mine …