Unable to press enter on a input field text in a web application on a mobile browser present in Perfecto device using Robot Framework

Hello Team,

I am able to type in text using the below robot keyword.
input text //*[@id=“textInput”] Hello

Now I need to press Enter key after this. For this I am trying with different keywords such as
Press Keycode 13
Tap //*[@id=“textInput”]

but none of them is working.

Can anyone help how to fix this please.

Hi Sayom,

You didn’t say but from this i’m guessing your using the SeleniumLibrary?

If my guess is correct why not just use Press Keys?

Press Keys	//*[@id=“textInput”]	RETURN		# Pressing "ENTER" key to element.


Hi @damies13 ,

Following are the libraries that I am using:

*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary 10
Library PerfectoLibrary RobotframeworkPerfectoBrowserDemoProject v1.0 RobotframeworkPerfectoBrowserDemoJob 1

Hi @sayom88,

From the AppiumLibrary, it looks like all you should need to do for pressing the enter key is:

Press Keycode    KEYCODE_ENTER

I’ve never used these libraries before so i’m afraid I can’t give much more help than reading the documentation.
