How to press the keys in mobile keyboard

Hi, I’m doing mobile automation with robot framework & Appium. I want to enter the texts & numbers in my application by pressing the mobile keyboard (Screenshot_01).

This is what I have so far,

`*** Settings ***

Library AppiumLibrary
Resource /some/path/Variables.robot

*** Test Cases ***

TC_01_Login with valid details
Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=Android deviceName=emulator-5554 app=C:/APK/APK_File_Name.apk automationName=Uiautomator2
sleep 10s

# Skip Button
click element   //android.widget.TextView[@text="Skip"]
sleep  5s

# Enter the Name
input text      ${Locator_Name}     xxxxx
sleep  5s
# Continue Button
click element   ${Continue_Button}
sleep  10s

# Enter the Mobile Number
click element   ${Locator_Mobile}
sleep  25s

#Try 1

# Click No. 0 from the mobile keyboard
click element    //android.widget.LinearLayout[@text="0"]
sleep  1s

#Try 2

# Click No. 0 from the mobile keyboard
PRESS KEYCODE     None    0
sleep  2s


# Next Button
click element    ${Next_Button}`

Here, First I tried as “Try 1”, and get the below error;
ValueError: Element locator ‘//android.widget.LinearLayout[@text=“0”]’ did not match any elements.

Then I deleted the first method and tried as “Try 2”. But it closed the application so that I couldn’t complete the scenario.

Please help to solve this issue. Any guidance and advice will be greatly appreciated!

Have you know the answer yet? Would you mind to let me know How to press the enter keys in mobile keyboard, please.

@KonraweePra, In this application, here we used the default keyboard. So, I couldn’t press the keys using the “Click Element” and “Press Keycode” keywords. But I was able to do it by clicking the coordinates.
Here is a sample example, maybe it will be helpful to you.

## Enter the keys
# Click on the space button element at coordinates    748    2603
sleep  2s
# Click on the letter "g" element at coordinates    718    2262
sleep  2s

# Press No. 0 element at coordinates    532    2599
sleep  1s
# Press No. 7 element at coordinates    186    2465
sleep  1s

Sounds like your fairly happy with the approach you fell on which is great :slight_smile: Interestingly… did you by chance try one of the Wait Until keywords, over a sleep.

So for example as an approach:
click of input element > wait until element is visible (being the keyboard container for example) > then interact with the buttons > then click of done > wait until page doesn’t not contain element (being the keyboard)

I’d imagine you had used the UIAutomationViewer to find you’re locators for the elements?

Happy to help with a more robust approach, as those coordinates might cause problems across different devices or different orientation.

Hello daryl, may I know how do managed to make the press keycode works? I tried to find some source but I can’t find any working examples.