@damies13 nah, that message doesnt say that appium ain’t installed, it says AppiumLibrary (rf bindings) cannot import TouchAction from appium itself.
So, next we check what appium is used, looks like pip reports it to be 4.0.0.
On there, following is said;
Quick migration guide from v3 to v4
- Removal
are removed. Please use W3C WebDriver actions ormobile:
TouchAction is removed in 4.0.0 release, error is saying that TouchAction cannot be imported so the issue is that AppiumLibrary pulls in too new appium (eg, bug in its dependencies) and its not updated to handle the changes in the upstream…
Install older appium. Something like this might fix your issue;
python -mpip install --force-reinstall Appium-Python-Client==3.2.1
Filed a ticket Appium-Python-Client 4.0.0 breaks this package. · Issue #417 · serhatbolsu/robotframework-appiumlibrary · GitHub
And patch that fixes the issue; Fix dependency break (#417) by rasjani · Pull Request #418 · serhatbolsu/robotframework-appiumlibrary · GitHub