Test Template - can I use test template if the steps are different between two verification

I am trying to automate the login test using test template, however, I realized that the application I am automating there is two steps that is little different between two verifications, and it is cause the test to fail does it mean in this case test template won’t be the best way to automate the login test?

*** Keywords ***
    Invalid Login Scenarios
    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${error_message}
    Wait Until Element Is Visible    ${LogIn_Sign_Up_Logo}
    Click Element      ${LogIn_Sign_Up_Logo} 
    Wait Until Element Is Visible     ${Log in Your Account Text}
    Element Text Should Be    ${Log in Your Account Text}    Log in to  xxx
    Input Text    ${txtbox_username}    ${username}
    Click Button   ${btn_continue}
    Input Text    ${txtbox_password}    ${password}   --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test 
    Click Button   ${btn_login_continue}   --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test 

*** Test Cases ***                            USERNAME                      PASSWORD       ERROR MESSAGE                                

Verify Login Fails - Invalid Username         williamsthomas@               q*Q0OnSszL     Email is not valid.

Verify Login Fails - Invalid Password         williamsthomas@example.org     abdce@fde     Wrong email or password

Any suggestion will be really appreciated

Hi Parl,

Before I get to your question, a couple of notes to help you in the future:

  • White space is very important in Robot Framework, this:
*** Keywords ***
    Invalid Login Scenarios
    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${error_message}

should be:

*** Keywords ***
Invalid Login Scenarios
    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${error_message}
  • you didn’t mention it, I’m guessing Invalid Login Scenarios is your test template? in this case it was reasonably easy to guess but it won’t always be, try to include as much relevant information as possible in your questions so people can help you.

Now for the issue:

If I understand correctly, with your first test case, Wait Until Element Is Visible ${Log in Your Account Text} fails because you didn’t get the next screen instead you got “Email is not valid.” and you want the test case to pass at this point and not continue.

Perhaps what you need is something like this:

*** Keywords ***
Invalid Login Scenarios
    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${error_message}
    Wait Until Element Is Visible    ${LogIn_Sign_Up_Logo}
    Click Element      ${LogIn_Sign_Up_Logo} 
    ${passed}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Wait Until Element Is Visible     ${error_message}    ${optional_short_timeout}
    # if ${error_message} is found, no need to do anything else in the test
    IF    not ${passed}
       # if ${error_message} is not found, continue the test
        Wait Until Element Is Visible     ${Log in Your Account Text}
        Element Text Should Be    ${Log in Your Account Text}    Log in to  xxx
        Input Text    ${txtbox_username}    ${username}
        Click Button   ${btn_continue}
        Input Text    ${txtbox_password}    ${password}   --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test 
        Click Button   ${btn_login_continue}   --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test 
        # you may also want to add this line to make the test fail if you don't get the expected message or worse an invalid login actually succeeds to log in
        Wait Until Element Is Visible     ${error_message}

You can remove ${optional_short_timeout} if you don’t want it, it will just mean that step will take the standard timeout time to complete, If I’m correct in assuming that this validation happens in the browser you can change ${optional_short_timeout} to a small number like 2 seconds and then your second test won’t take so long to complete.

Hope this helps,


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I usually add another data column, flagging if it is a negative test, or even a keyword and arguments to execute.

This could become:

*** Keywords ***
Invalid Login Scenarios
    [Arguments]      ${username}    ${password}    ${error_message}    ${kind}="password"
    # (...)
        Click Button   ${btn_continue}
        IF    "${kind}" == "password"
            Input Text    ${txtbox_password}    ${password}  #  --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test 
            Click Button   ${btn_login_continue}   # --- This step is only for the second verification and because of this, every time the first verification runs, it fails the test

*** Test Cases ***                            USERNAME                      PASSWORD       ERROR MESSAGE        KIND                                

Verify Login Fails - Invalid Username         williamsthomas@               q*Q0OnSszL     Email is not valid    username

Verify Login Fails - Invalid Password         williamsthomas@example.org     abdce@fde     Wrong email or password
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Hi Dave, sorry for the format when posting the question. I will keep in mind to mentioned more details.
Thank you so much for taking your time to look at this and post the solution. Appreciate your time and help

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Hi Helio,
Thank you so much for taking your time to reply, this approach worked for me. Always learning a ton from you. Appreciate that you are here for the rescue :blush: Thank you, thank you!!

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