Howdy there !!
I m trying to find a solution (other than using Browser library) for “bypassing” the right way the SSO redirection of my company.
I tried using :https://${NAMEV}:${PASSV}
but It does not work since I think it’s a redirection to a SSO before going to the website. Is that possible to do with [Create Webdriver] ?
thanks for you help
Hi @SebHonorine,
You didn’t mention what your app is? bypassing SSO usually involves adding a URL argument to the login page url,
- what this argument is will vary from application to application.
- as the SSO enabled login page is often a customisation of the application not a standard component, so will also vary from site to site, for the same application.
you will need to consult with your application developers or site admins to find out if there is a bypass mechanism available (some times they forget to provide this for testing) and what it is.
Unfortunately no one here is likely to be able to tell you what argument you’ll need to add, as there is no standard for this.
Hello @damies13,
Sorry for being late to answer. It’s for any website that work inside our ienvironement. When trying to get go to some website the Site Minder Proxy just makes sure to pop and makes you connecting. I m trying to use RObot Framewor + selenium library to use the URL with ID and PWD but does not work.
I saw Broser Library but not a big fan and can’t use it.
Hi @SebHonorine ,
with SeleniumLibrary yo can open the browser with the url or you can open the browser with about:blank
for a blank page then use Go To
to go to the url.
The issue with SSO is that the application server redirects you to the SSO server when you request the launch page of the app. So to bypass the SSO process you need either a different launch page url that has the login or an argument that’s added to the url that tells the application server not to redirect you to the SSO server butt redirect you to the login page instead, either way you need to ask the people who developed / setup the server what that url variation is? It will be something specific to your app/environment and not something anyone here can know.
To give you an example, I have worked with SAP Fiori at several organisations, one place to bypass the SSO we added ?SSODisable=true
to the URL at another we added ?spengo=default
its the same application from the same vendor but the bypass mechanism was completely different.