Set Tags tag not added in Test Tags

Hi all ,
Currently Iam using @{Test Tags}
Using for fetching the added Test Tags from setting section
However iam adding each test case and inside added [Tags] updated in @{Test Tags} before test case run.

But my scenario is iam using test template in suite setup using test template derived 6 test cases for each test cases iam using " Set Tags " keyword but set tags assigned tcs id not updating in @{Test Tags} due to that my analysis board showing no tagged test cases


Test Tags. A. B
Test Template. Verify function


Test cases* tcsnum. Arg1. Arg2
Verify func. Tag-1. 5. 6

[Arguments] tcsnum. Arg1. Arg2

Set Tags. Tcsnum
Log. ${Arg1}+${Arg2}

Hello @harishnaitanwar,
Hi there,

It sounds like you’re running into issues with updating test tags dynamically in your test template setup.

To ensure that the tags are updated correctly and reflected in your analysis board, try adding a step in your test template that explicitly updates the @{Test Tags} variable after using the “Set Tags” keyword. This should help ensure that all assigned tags are captured properly.

Additionally, double-check your suite setup to confirm that the test template is correctly configured to pass the updated tags to each test case.

Best Regards,
James Keen