Please help with this simple tag pattern

The documentation at Robot Framework User Guide allows this command line option:

--include fooANDbar # Matches tests containing tags 'foo' and 'bar'.

With this test case file:

*** Settings ***
Force tags suite1_tests

*** Test Cases ***

Test 1
[Tags] test1
Log To Console Running ${TEST NAME}, Tags=@{TEST TAGS}

Test 2
[Tags] test2
Log To Console Running ${TEST NAME}, Tags=@{TEST TAGS}

Test 3
[Tags] test3
Log To Console Running ${TEST NAME}, Tags=@{TEST TAGS}

Test 4
[Tags] test4
Log To Console Running ${TEST NAME}, Tags=@{TEST TAGS}

When I ran it with --include ‘test1ANDtest2’, the error was:

[ ERROR ] Suite ‘Suite1’ contains no tests matching tag ‘test1 AND test2’.

I expect test1 and test2 be run.

I’m using:
Robot Framework 5.0.1 (Python 3.8.10 on linux)

Thank you in advance.

Hi @ryanta,

Firstly while this is not related to your issue you should be aware of Deprecation of Force Tags and Default Tags

Regarding the error:

[ ERROR ] Suite ‘Suite1’ contains no tests matching tag ‘test1 AND test2’.

The error you received is correct, In those tests you gave, none of them have both a test1 and a test2 tag, actually none of them have more than one tag.

Refering to Tag patterns:

–include fooANDbar # Matches tests containing tags ‘foo’ and ‘bar’.

If you run with --include ‘test1ORtest2’ then you will get the result you were expecting.

Likewise if you add a 5th test:

Test 5
	[Tags]	test1	test2	test3	test4	test5
	Log To Console Running ${TEST NAME}, Tags=@{TEST TAGS}

This will match when you use --include ‘test1ANDtest2’ as it has both those tags



Thank you! It’s so obvious now. I was thinking “run test1 and test2” and not “run tests that have both test1 tag and test2 tag”.

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Notice that --include foo --include bar is effectively same as --include fooORbar.