Scroll Element Into View

Scroll Element Into View

When I am using this command and giving the XPATH of the Element , webpage is scrolling to that Location , but giving me an error of movetargetoutofboundsexception: message: move target out of bounds So that the the program gets error and it is not executing the remaining things

Please help me to solve this issue

Thanks & Regards

Use the Run Keyword and Ignore Error to make it error free.

Respected Sir ,

Thanks for replying sir , Can you please share the document Link for this command or Please guide me with an example sir

Thanks & Regards

Hi Nagendran,

Run Keyword And Ignore Error is part of the builtin library, you should really make yourself familiar with all the keywords in BuiltIn, it will make your life easier no matter what you’re testing.


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Hi Dave ,

Thanks for your response , when I used Scroll Element Into View /html/body/section/div[3]/div got an error , for this can you able guide me to write code for handling this using [Run Keyword And Ignore Error] Please .


@Nagu1992 You did not follow the link to the documentation that Dave provided?

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as per the documentation:

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Scroll Element Into View    /html/body/section/div[3]/div


Hai Helio Guilherme,

Thanks for your response , I was bit confused while reading that , now I got the clarity on that . Thanks for your response.


Hai Dave .

Thanks for your response and I Thank you for helping me to solve this issue


Hi Nagendran,

To be fair, you should mark @HelioGuilherme66 original answer as the solution, all I did was clarify his answer.


Hi Dave ,

I apologize for my mistake , not mentioning @HelioGuilherme66


Hi @HelioGuilherme66

Hi sir , I THANK YOU for showing the way to clear my Error . I apologize if any mistake Happened . Thank you Very much Sir



I use this solution, but the problem is that a screenshot is always taken. Can I turn off this behavior for this solution and keep it for the overall test? The problem is in the amount of data that this solution generates

Hi Thomas,

The answer to that question is in this thread:

I had the same question a while back.


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