Robot-framework to remove unicode characters from string


My string is - " Año" and “Presentación” or “Joe$”

I want to remove ~ , ’ and $ from string in robot framework. There may be any uni code or special char in string and I want to remove all those chars from string.

Hi @bk-user

The Unidecode module looks like it will do most of what you want to achieve:

*** Settings ***
Test Template	Convert Unicode Word

*** Test Cases ***

ñ	Año
ó	Presentación
$	Joe$
3	kožušček

*** Keywords ***
Convert Unicode Word
	[Arguments]		${originalword}

	${newword}=		Evaluate	unidecode.unidecode("${originalword}")		unidecode
	Log	${newword}

It didn’t do the $ sign but did the others, so depending how many other cases there are you could use a series of Replace String’s to handle the remaining few something like:

*** Settings ***
Library			String

Test Template	Convert Unicode Word

*** Test Cases ***

ñ	Año
ó	Presentación
$	Joe$
3	kožušček
@	$p3c!@l

*** Keywords ***
Convert Unicode Word
	[Arguments]		${originalword}

	${newword}=		Evaluate	unidecode.unidecode("${originalword}")		unidecode
	${newword}= 	Replace String	${newword}	!	i
	${newword}= 	Replace String	${newword}	@	a
	${newword}= 	Replace String	${newword}	$	s
	${newword}= 	Replace String	${newword}	3	e
	Log	${newword}

Hopefully that’s what you need,



@damies13 Getting Error -
FAIL Evaluating expression ‘unidecode.unidecode(“kožušček”)’ failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘unidecode’

Library String
Above library is imported but still getting error

Hi @bk-user

The Unidecode python module is not installed by default, but I gave you the link that includes the install instructions. Like most python modules it’s just a pip install.
