Hi Everyone,
I need to replace the symbol (-) in a numerical string, for example from full_number=123456-987654321 to full_number=123456987654321
If I use the following code, it works perfectly, I receive the correct answer: full_number=123456987654321
[Arguments] ${full_number}=random
IF "${full_number}" == "random"
${full_number} get random bank account number
${full_number} replace string using regexp ${full_number} - ${EMPTY}
but now if I want to use Python code for example re.sub(r"(\d+)-(\d+)“, r”\1\2", str(${full_number}))
it does not work, any idea please?
How would be possible usig python code to get 123456987654321 without the symbol (-)
I have used this code> re.sub(r"(\d+)-(\d+)“, r”\1\2", str(${full_number}))
IF "${full_number}" == "random"
${full_number} get random bank account number
${full_number} replace string using regexp ${full_number} (\d+)-(\d+) \\1\\2
I have used also this EVALUATE re.sub(r"(\d+)-(\d+)“, r”\1\2", str(${full_number})) but it does not work
Any idea? many thanks in advance.
In your first “working” example, you didn’t need to use replace string using regexp as Replace String is sufficient.
As for the regex, you need to escape the escape characters (for Robot framework and then again for python, so it becomes a game of escape the escape characters for the escape characters
Also you can use Evaluate to call single line python commands directly, this is sometimes useful, especially if there is no robot framework library for what you are trying to acheive, so I’ve included examples of that too.
*** Settings ***
Library String
*** Variables ***
${full_number} 123456-987654321
*** Test Cases ***
Alejandro Simple String
Should Be Equal As Strings ${full_number} 123456-987654321
${full_number}= Replace String ${full_number} - ${EMPTY}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${full_number} 123456987654321
Alejandro Regex Example
Should Be Equal As Strings ${full_number} 123456-987654321
${full_number}= replace string using regexp ${full_number} (\\d+)-(\\d+) \\1\\2 count=2
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${full_number} 123456987654321
Alejandro Python Method
[Documentation] This method doesnt need String Library
Should Be Equal As Strings ${full_number} 123456-987654321
${full_number}= Evaluate ${full_number.replace("-", "")}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${full_number} 123456987654321
Alejandro Python RE Method
[Documentation] This method doesn't need String Library
Should Be Equal As Strings ${full_number} 123456-987654321
${full_number}= Evaluate re.sub("(\\d+)-(\\d+)", "\\\\1\\\\2", "${full_number}") modules=re
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${full_number} 123456987654321