I have an Oracle PL/SQL
procedure that I can directly call as follows, without problem:
BEGIN example_package_name.example_procedure(p_item_no => 123456, p_send_now => true); END;
(Note: p_item_no
expects a NUMBER
and p_send_now
expects a BOOLEAN
I am attempting to run this from within my Robot Framework
test automation framework as shown below.
First I have a small helper wrapper method for robotframework-databaselibrary
Execute SQL Store Procedure
... ${target_database}
... ${target_store_procedure}
... ${store_procedure_arguments}
... ${timeout}=5 minutes
[Documentation] Small wrapper around DatabaseLibrary for the: Call Stored Procedure keyword.
[Timeout] ${timeout}
__Open connection to target database ${target_database}
DatabaseLibrary.Set Auto Commit autoCommit=${True}
DatabaseLibrary.Call Stored Procedure ${target_store_procedure} ${store_procedure_arguments}
Close connection from the current database
Next from my test I am attempting something as follows:
${item_no_int}= Convert To Integer ${test_item_dictionary.item_no}
${example_procedure_argument_list}= Create List p_item_no => ${item_no_int} p_send_now => ${True}
Execute SQL Store Procedure target_database=test_db_name target_store_procedure=example_package_name.example_procedure store_procedure_arguments=${example_procedure_argument_list}
My error reads:
[info (+0.10s)] Executing : Call Stored Procedure | example_package_name.example_procedure | [‘p_item_no => 123456’, ‘p_send_now => True’]
[FAIL] DatabaseError:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error ORA-06512: at line 1 Help: ORA-06502 - Database Error Messages
Naturally I have been trying to ensure that my data is of the correct type when leaving Robot Framework, when reading the documentation on the Robot Framework: DatabaseLibrary.Call Stored Procedure
keyword, I see:
def call_stored_procedure(
self, spName: str, spParams: Optional[List[str]] = None, sansTran: bool = False, alias: Optional[str] = None
With description:
Calls a stored procedure
with thespParams
- a list of
parameters the procedure requires.
Is it be possible that the Keyword DatabaseLibrary.Call Stored Procedure
/ spParams: Optional[List[str]]
does not end up preserving one’s intended data types? Or is something else perhaps missing on my part?
I am running: