Hi, does someone know good instructions or example how to do Data Driven Tests with Ride?
Here is an example of Data Driven Test with RIDE:
Test suite:
*** Settings ***
Test Template Login with invalid credentials should fail
Library Process
Variables my_login_app_variables.py
*** Test Cases *** USERNAME PASSWORD
Invalid User Name invalid ${VALID PASSWORD}
Invalid Password ${VALID USER} invalid
Invalid User Name and Password
invalid invalid
Empty User Name ${EMPTY} ${VALID PASSWORD}
Empty Password ${VALID USER} ${EMPTY}
Empty User Name and Password
*** Keywords ***
Login with invalid credentials should fail
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
${result}= Run Process python ${CURDIR}/my_login_app.py ${username} ${password}
Should Be True ${result.stdout.startswith("Invalid")}
Variables file (my_login_app_variables.py
# Variables definitions fot the Login app
Application under test (my_login_app.py
# Simulates a Login app
import sys
from my_login_app_variables import VALID_PASSWORD, VALID_USER
def do_login(username:str, password:str):
if username == VALID_USER and password == VALID_PASSWORD:
print(f"Authentication OK")
print(f"Invalid Credentials")
if __name__ == "__main__":
do_login(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
except IndexError:
print(f"Usage: python my_login_app.py Username Password")
Screenshot of RIDE Grid Editor:
Screenshot of RIDE Text Editor:
Example of Run:
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