Problem while opening Firefox in private mode

When i launch my test in private mode an url
it connect direclty with my user account ,

${options}= Evaluate sys.modules[‘selenium.webdriver’].FirefoxOptions() sys, selenium
Call Method ${options} add_argument -private
Open Browser ${AppURL} ${BROWSER} options=${options}

anyone has encoutered/fixed this issues ?

Some problems in your question, but the problem you want.

You don’t say the error you have (usually a copy of the output suffices).

You are mixing the way to pass options to webdriver (SeleniumLibrary). Try to find the newest documentation for the library, because you are defining options like it was in the past to call Create Webdriver and now we use simply the Open Browser.

Every time you start Firefox through selenium webdriver it creates a brand new anonymous profile, so you are actually browsing privately.

There is no OUTPUT error message ,
The problem is when i enter a website like office365 it connects me with my user account and that is not wanted that’s why i specified private mode