I am currently facing a challenge with automating a web application using a browser automation library. According to my company’s policy, this application cannot be automated in “incognito” mode. Could anyone assist me by suggesting which specific keyword or method I should use to ensure that the automation runs in a standard mode, non-private browser window? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
@krantikumara I think you need to use this keyword to open a browser. See also BrowserType | Playwright.
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@krantikumara The following code opens a Chrome browser with my profile settings. I you have already a Chrome browser open you have to close it first, before running this script, otherwise you will get an error.
You can see in the screenshot that I was logged into my Google account before running this script.
*** Settings ***
Library Browser
*** Variables ***
${USER_DATA_DIR} C:/Users/Testuser/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data
*** Test Cases ***
Open Chrome With Existing profile
New Persistent Context userDataDir=${USER_DATA_DIR} browser=chromium channel=chrome headless=False url=https://google.com
Sleep 10s
Chrome browser opens after New Persistent Context
keyword with existing profile and logged in account:
Thank you so much @falcon030 . It is working for me.
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