Passing arguments to (some) libraries in library-agnostic resources

Hey all,

I’m trying to create a resource that relies on the API of a custom library, not a particular implementation of it. I need the suite initialization to determine which particular implementation will get imported, and ideally support passing arguments to the library. So I’ve tried a number of things:

Move arguments to Suite Setup:

That’s one option, but is quite verbose, and assumes GLOBAL library scope:

# __init__.robot
*** Settings ***
Library            ${LIBRARY_NAME}    AS     LIB

Setup Suite        Setup Suite

*** Variables ***

*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
                   LIB.Init           arg

# my.resource
*** Settings ***
Library            ${LIBRARY_NAME}    AS    LIB

An intermediate resource:

Here's one similarly verbose solution that seems to work:
# __init__.robot
*** Settings ***
Setup Suite            Setup Suite

*** Variables ***
${MY_RESOURCE}         my_lib.resource

# my_lib.resource
*** Settings ***
Library          arg    AS    LIB
Resource               my.resource

# my.resource
*** Keywords ***

List expansion:

I was hoping for list expansion, but that doesn't seem to do:
# __init__.robot
*** Variables ***
@{LIBRARY_AND_ARGS}           arg

# my.resource
*** Settings ***
Library                @{LIBRARY_AND_ARGS}    AS      LIB

# [ ERROR ] Error in file 'my.resource' on line 2: Importing library '['', 'arg']' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "['MyLibrary"

Suite Setup:

Nor does importing things in the suite setup steps:
# __init__.robot
*** Settings ***
Library                @{LIBRARY_AND_ARGS}    AS      LIB

Setup Suite            Setup Suite

*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
                       Import Library         @{LIBRARY_AND_ARGS}

# my.resource
*** Keywords ***
# No keyword with name 'LIB.Keyword' found.

# No keyword with name 'Keyword' found.

At this point I’m thinking the intermediate resource as the best solution, but am I missing something?
