Our workshop on orchestrating Robot Framework with executable visual BPMN models returns in RoboCon.io Helsinki 2025 on the 12h of February. In the time of writing, there are still seats left.
If you are able to participate RoboCon workshops, and are interest in learning this kind of something new, now is the time to apply and secure you seat.
BPMN is no gimmick. It is a freely available OMG / ISO -standard based on workflow patterns research to cover the thinkable business workflow use cases, but still be easy to learn from simple use cases:
to more sophisticated use cases and modeling approaches:
Obviously, using BPMN 2.0 does not end at modeling. It merges previous research on executable process models, making it possible for the process execution to be based on the actual model files.
Now is the perfect time to learn BPMN based orchestration! Our previous workshops has been on Camunda products. Now that Camunda is abandoning its popular Camunda 7 CE product, the future is open for fully community managed process ochestration ecosystem. Our workshop will use Operaton BPM, which is a community managed fork of Camunda 7 CE with goal to keep maintained by its users, eventually under protection of some neutral legal entity. This could make Operaton a great companion to Robot Framework in any kind of automation solution.
Please, don’t hesitate to as more from me or my co-host @Noordsestern. We are also available on #bpmn-workflows at the Robot Framework slack.
Read more at BPMN orchestrated end-to-end system testing with Robot Framework