[Opera browser] - Unable to open browser

Hi all,
I’m having issue while automating with Opera browser - Unable to open browser because of the error:
SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: Missing or invalid capabilities
(Driver info: operadriver=102.0.5005.61 (0e59bcc00cc4985ce39ad31c150065f159d95ad3-refs/branch-heads/5005@{#819}),platform=Mac OS X 12.4.0 arm64)

I use webdrivermanager to download opera driver
Here is my info:

  • robotframework 5.0.1
  • robotframework-seleniumlibrary 6.0.0
  • selenium 4.2.0
  • webdrivermanager 0.10.0

My device: Mac OS - M1
Opera version: Version:88.0.4412.53 (arm64)

Thanks for your helps

Last week, I could opened the opera browser normally, but now I think there is something happened with library (upgraded) or my opera browser that lead to the error above

Hola Hidalgo. Esperando se encuentre muy bien, nos podrías compartir como lograste habilitar Opera para la biblioteca SeleniumLibrary. Ya tengo andando Chrome, Firefox y Edge. Me faltaría Opera y Brave. Mil gracias. Quedo atento :wink: