Data-Driven in Parallel 2: Each Data-Driven TC takes other TCs for a ride

Pabot and DataDriver turn 32 executions into 207

This is similar to Data-Driven in Parallel: Execute each browser first case of xlsx file yet different, and I really hope it is a simple configuration error.

Some of our testcases use the DataDriver library and others use standard data driven templates.

  • Everything works as expected with Pabot without --testlevelsplit, and running the DataDriver and regular templated testcases separate from each other with --testlevelsplit.
  • However, when all run together (from a common folder) each process containing a sub-set of DataDriver testcases, also runs ALL the non-DataDriver testcases! This takes a really long time.
  • Pabot then merges all the results and makes it look like each only ran once - but it takes a really long time.
  • IF I use Rebot and combine all .\pabot_results\*\output.xml files what really happened becomes obvious.

Adapting the example from github: Snooz82/robotframework-datadriver/issues/70 and inserting the same test commands into github: robotframework/WebDemo/blob/master/login_tests/invalid_login.robot
(I’m not allowed more links)

If I go to extremes and use optimize_pabot=Atomic in the Pabot testsuite, I get:

Status: All tests passed
Documentation: Pabot result from 15 executions.
Start Time: 20220316 12:31:44.758
End Time: 20220316 12:32:14.538
Elapsed Time: 00:00:29.780
Total Statistics Total Pass Fail Skip Elapsed Pass / Fail / Skip
All Tests 32 32 0 0 00:01:04


Total Statistics Total Pass Fail Skip Elapsed Pass / Fail / Skip
All Tests 207 207 0 0 00:06:56

The 25 DataDriver tests are still only run once, while the 7 “Invalid Login” tests are run 26 times.

I hope this is an obvious mistake, but if not I have a sample problem taken from those two sources. I used a clean Python 3.8 venv, and installed

  • robotframework 4.1.3
  • robotframework-datadriver 1.6.0
  • robotframework-pabot 2.3.1

For the Atomic testrun the Library line was:

Library    DataDriver    MostSearched.xlsx   sheet_name=Lapas1   optimize_pabot=Atomic`

The two robot files and xlsx file were in Test folder by themselves, and pabot was called by:

pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test

Your help would be appreciated!
Kevin Burr

So DataDriver works correctly, but “normal” templated test cases work a bit weird?

Are their names unique?

Can you reproduce with just one robot file?

Thanks @René

All the names are unique. There are only two robot files - is it possible to combine DataDriver and regular templated testcases into a single file?

I can send a zip file?

Hi again @René (and everyone)

In case it made a difference, I ran pabot with the robot file names instead of the folder and included the terminal results below. Basically:

  • pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\invalid_login.robot .\Test\Pabot_Test.robot
    Total testing: 7 minutes 55.60 seconds
  • pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\Pabot_Test.robot
    Total testing: 2 minutes 17.70 seconds
  • pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\invalid_login.robot
    Total testing: 19.99 seconds

It took almost 3x longer to run the robot files together than separately with Pabot. Yet this seems like such a common scenario, that I have to assume it is something I have configured wrong.

(venv) PS C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test> pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\invalid_login.robot .\Test\Pabot_Test.robot
Robot Framework remote server at started.
Storing .pabotsuitenames file
2022-03-17 10:18:37.563429 [PID:14280] [2] [ID:5] EXECUTING Suites.Invalid Login.Empty Password
2022-03-17 10:19:59.417866 [PID:2576] [12] [ID:32] PASSED Suites.Pabot Test in 16.3 seconds
32 tests, 32 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped.
Output:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\output.xml
Log:     C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\log.html
Report:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\report.html
Stopping PabotLib process
Robot Framework remote server at stopped.
PabotLib process stopped
Total testing: 7 minutes 55.60 seconds
Elapsed time:  1 minute 23.81 seconds 

(venv) PS C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test> pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\Pabot_Test.robot                      
Robot Framework remote server at started.
Storing .pabotsuitenames file
2022-03-17 10:22:25.946942 [PID:23272] [0] [ID:0] EXECUTING Pabot Test.Verify Most Searched Term ${items}
2022-03-17 10:22:49.782654 [PID:15196] [8] [ID:25] PASSED Pabot Test in 3.4 seconds
25 tests, 25 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped.
Output:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\output.xml
Log:     C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\log.html
Report:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\report.html
Stopping PabotLib process
Robot Framework remote server at stopped.
PabotLib process stopped
Total testing: 2 minutes 17.70 seconds
Elapsed time:  25.30 seconds

(venv) PS C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test> pabot --testlevelsplit --pabotlib .\Test\invalid_login.robot                   
Robot Framework remote server at started.
Storing .pabotsuitenames file
2022-03-17 10:23:19.238232 [PID:10424] [4] [ID:1] EXECUTING Invalid Login.Invalid Username
2022-03-17 10:23:22.451461 [PID:10424] [4] [ID:1] PASSED Invalid Login.Invalid Username in 2.9 seconds
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped.
Output:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\output.xml
Log:     C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\log.html
Report:  C:\Users\burrk\VSCodeProjects\Test\report.html
Stopping PabotLib process
Robot Framework remote server at stopped.
PabotLib process stopped
Total testing: 19.99 seconds
Elapsed time:  4.59 seconds


P.S. The elapsed time is just under 3x longer as well.

@mkorpela suggested I raise: Combining DataDriver and non-DataDriver tests repeats non-DataDriver tests (PROCESS) times · Issue #465 · mkorpela/pabot · GitHub

It also contains the example testcases.


Hi all,

@mkorpela has fixed the problem here: Release Pabot 2.5.1 · mkorpela/pabot · GitHub
