I have trying to click the element from this list, but always getting error.
Hi @Indher,
Welcome to this community forum!
To your Question:
Please give us more background and more information.
You could:
- give us the Robot Code that you used to click.
- give us the error Message you received
Hi Rene,
Here are the details,
wait until element is enabled //*[@id="kendoAutoComplete"]
sleep 10
input text //*[@id="kendoAutoComplete"] mc donalds, inc.
#set selenium timeout 5 Seconds
sleep 10
wait until element is visible //*[@id="kendoAutoComplete-list"]/div[2]/ul
select from list by value //*[@id="kendoAutoComplete-list"]/div[2]/ul/li[1] McDonalds, Inc.
KEYWORD SeleniumLibrary . Select From List By Value //*[@id=“kendoAutoComplete-list”]/div[2]/ul/li[1], McDonalds, Inc.
Documentation: | Selects options from selection list locator by values . |
Start / End / Elapsed: | 20200612 10:49:52.426 / 20200612 10:49:52.786 / 00:00:00.360 |
00:00:00.345KEYWORD SeleniumLibrary . Capture Page Screenshot
10:49:52.426 INFO Selecting options from selection list '//*[@id="kendoAutoComplete-list"]/div[2]/ul/li[1]' by value McDonalds, Inc..
10:49:52.785 FAIL List with locator '//*[@id="kendoAutoComplete-list"]/div[2]/ul/li[1]' not found.
Select From List By Value
is not for clicking li-list items, but for selecting an element of a Drop-Down Menu
Try Click Element