Hi all,
for my test, I must create multiple OPC UA instances. My OPC UA library is based on python’s opcua. I have to call the library in RF with different amount of input parameter in order to make two individual instances. In other words, if I call my Library two times with same input parameter, I will not get a second intance.
# When create two instances of a python class with same inputs, RF only creates one instance.
# Therefore, the second instance is created with different inputs, because two OPC UA
# connections are needed in test.
Library OPCUA/OPCUA.py ${DUT_IP} AS OpcuaClient1
Library OPCUA/OPCUA.py ${DUT_IP} ${4840} AS OpcuaClient2
My OPC UA class would be:
class OPCUA():
Get access to OPCUA interface
deco.not_keyword # Disable keywords
def __init__(self, ip:str = "None", port:str = "4840", user:str = "", password:str = "", policy:str = "", secMode:str = ""):
Method: __init__ - intended for internal use\n
Description: Constructor of this class which mainly establishes the connection to\n
the OPC interface\n
ip: ip address of your system\n
port: port of your system\n
user: Username of opc ua user from ATG\n
password: Password of opc ua user from ATG\n
policy: policy like Basic256Sha256\n
secMode: signature mode like Signe or SignAndEncrypt\n
Example: OPCUA("", 4840, opcUser, opcUserPassword, Basic256Sha256, SignAndEncrypt)
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.policy = policy
self.secMode = secMode
self.clientList = []
if ip != 'None':
def _connect(self):
Method: _connect - intended for internal use\n
Description: Establish the connection to interface\n
self.client = Client("opc.tcp://" + self.ip + ":" + self.port)
self.client.session_timeout = SESSIONTIMEOUT # The following timeout setting disables a warning using Asset Monitor
if self.user == "" and self.password == "":
# user wants an anonymous login
# user uses security policies and credentials
if self.policy == "" or self.secMode == "":
# user wants no security policy
self.client.application_uri = URN
self.client.set_security_string("Basic256Sha256,SignAndEncrypt,C:\\XYZ.pem,C:\\XYZ.pem") #AndEncrypt
logger.console("Successfully connected to OPCUA Server")
return 0
except ua.UaError as e:
myPrint(f"OPC UA Error code: {e.args[0]}") #DEBUG
return e.args[0]
except ConnectionAbortedError as e:
myPrint(f"ConnectionAbortedError: {e.args[0]}") #DEBUG
return -1
except concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError as e:
myPrint("CancelledError") #DEBUG
return -1
# pass
What do I get wrong here?
Thanks in advance.