Hi, I seem to have ran into some issues with my IDE (VSC and Pycharm)
Even though I can run tests in my terminal/command line, my IDE doesn’t seem to recognize standard keywords.
All the libraries needed are installed, especially Seleniumlibrary. But it seems that the most basic Keywords are not recognized.
I can run the tests in my terminal but not from the testing plugin (VSC and Pycharm)
PATH seems to look fine.
I never really used executable path variable ${EXECDIR} and have always given them a relative path by using the following approach:
→ ${CURDIR}${/}…/folder/file.robot
→ …/folder/file.robot
From what I recall and if you hover over one of those keywords you see: “resolved name: abspath(‘.’)” and with using the EXECDIR you need to specify the value of the EXECDIR variable, this can be set in the PyCharm: Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Robot Framework > Variables …I believe or specify the value of the EXECDIR variable using the robot.variables setting.
Hopefully, others can add more to the usage of EXECDIR if needed.