Hi, so I am looking to verify a form that has text in specific locations.
Mostly we do: get text id=someid == “this text”
However when there are multiple items on forms, it can get tiresome.
I was thinking is there a keyword that i could use, that would grab all elements and texts under an id, and then compare that data to a list/scalar that has the required info already attached.
The form format is like this:
div id=Some unique id
-div class=title>sometitle
-div class=title>sometitletext
-div class=title>sometitle
-div class=title>sometitletext
div id=second irrelevant id
cant add "<div- " as it does not show up in this forum, that’s why that css looks funky
So the keyword shoud grab all elements and texts under that Some unique id. And then I would need to copy the data to variable, and compare it.
EDIT: Okay just realized that get text can be used to grab the whole text under that id. If there is a way to grab text and page format, that would be even better
Get HTML structure id=some unique id