Verify text in html towards predefined text

Hi I new to robotframework :slight_smile:
I building website with some functions and a step towards that, I has created “project info” page, I want to automate this, to make sure the content is always correct :slight_smile:

How can I use robotframework to compare this text towards a text file?

My html code:

Project information

  • Create a website with HTML and python (Django 5)
    • Build a house functions house each room should have its own door
      • Content is rooms should be based on 100 days of python code with Angela Yu
      • Each player should be indentfied by First name, Sure name and age
      • As precondition name should be spelled correct
        • First name -> Starts with caplizate first letter in name
        • Second name -> Starts with caplizate first letter in name
        • Age -> Should only be int numbers
    • Its should be 4 four rooms on every floor level
      • Each room should number 1 to 4
      • Some rooms can have secret room behind
      • When player enters room the door is locked and when task is completed player will at same place before entering room
      • when played has completed room task its be counted with points to leader board
    • Each floor should be connected with a elevator
    • Building should have locked door and player needs put some details to access building
    • When player enters building a user name and password should be created also
    • Picture can also be added

please check the raw section to see html code, I was not able to figure out to display complete code

and here my robotframe code so far:
Library SeleniumLibrary
#Library # Used for start flask server but verify is not implemted yet

Test Setup Start Browser and Maximize ${URL} ${Browser}

Test Teardown Close Browser Window

Suite Setup Setup Suite
Suite Teardown Teardown Suite

*** Variables ***
${Browser} firefox
${information_title} Project information
${first_description_title} Create a website with HTML and python (Django 5)

*** Test Cases ***
Verify if details is visible on welcome screen
[Documentation] Verify if details is visible on welcome screen.
# [Tags] Stat_dev
Maximize Browser Window
Click Element //[@id=“project__title”]
Sleep 2 seconds
${information} = SeleniumLibrary.Get text //
Should Be Equal ${information_title} ${information}
${description}= SeleniumLibrary.Get text //*[@id=“first_description__title”]
Should Be Equal ${description} ${description}

*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite Open Browser ${URL}
Teardown Suite Close Browser


There are a lot of solution for this.
Personnaly I use pandas library that manages .csv files.
You can simply read/load the file at the beginning of the test, then loop on each row, calling the column by their titles.

*** Settings ***
Library             SeleniumLibrary
Library             pandas

*** Variables ***
${INPUT_CSV}         ./Data/datafile.csv

*** Test Cases ***
Read File
    ${data}    Read Csv    ${INPUT_CSV}     encoding=UTF-8
    ${num_rows}    Get Length    ${data}
    FOR  ${i}  IN RANGE   0    ${num_rows}
        Log    ${data['name'][${i}]}
  • Remember index start to 0
  • Column names/keys are case sensitive, so here my colum is named “name”, if you use “Name” it won’t work.

You can also search the forum, there are some excel or other alternatives can could suit.
And btw if you only use Seleniumlibrary, you can use only Get Text keyword, it will ease the read of test cases.


Hi @CharlieScene thanks for your reply I will test this :slight_smile: