I am trying to automate work in SAP GUI with RoboSAPiens library, but I’m having a blocker. I want to reset the interface before I run my GUI recording scripting. to have all the sub button being collapsed in ME23N
For the reset, I need to check if collapsed header button exist, as if does not exist need to press button.
Is there a way to check for that element exist or not? Before this for SAP Fiori I am using keyword “Page Should Contain Element” from SeleniumLibrary.
@shirae-sys I’m glad to hear that RoboSAPiens is being helpful
There are no keywords for assertions because that is the job of a testing framework. RoboSAPiens is an automation library. However, since it builds a cache of the elements in the window, it can answer questions like “is this element present?” or “is this element changeable?”. Currently those questions can only be answered indirectly. That means, if you try to act on an element and the element is not present a NotFound exception will be thrown. I just published version 2.8.0, which does that. In addition, the documentation now provides a helper keyword that you can use to define your own assertions. I provided an example for asserting that a text field is present. For a button you can pass the keyword Highlight Button. I hope that helps