i am new at robot framework
want to validate two 28/12/2022 and 29/12/2022 with in 24 hour
29/11/2022 12:00 PM IST’ actual time fetch from ui ${form1}
${from} Get Text ${locator}
${To} Get Text ${locator}
${from1} = Convert Date ${from} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M: %p
${To1} = Convert Date ${To} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M: %p
${Subtract_Time1} Subtract Date From Date ${To1} ${from1}
Log To Console ${Subtract_Time1}
after that I get
time data ‘29/11/2022 12:00 PM IST’ does not match format ‘%d/%m/%Y %I:%M: %p’
Save this as rahul12.robot and run it, it should help you understand where your issues were.
*** Settings ***
Library DateTime
*** Variables ***
${badfrom} 29/11/2022 12:00 PM IST
${from} 28/11/2022 12:00 PM
${To} 29/11/2022 12:00 PM
${ToLong} 29/11/2022 12:02 PM
*** Test Cases ***
rahul12 Bad Parse 1
Log This will faile because of the : after the %M
${from1} = Convert Date ${from} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M: %p
rahul12 Bad Parse 2
Log This will faile because of the IST
${from1} = Convert Date ${badfrom} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
rahul12 Date Time Test
${from1} = Convert Date ${from} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${To1} = Convert Date ${To} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${Subtract_Time1} Subtract Date From Date ${To1} ${from1}
Log To Console ${Subtract_Time1}
Should Be True ${Subtract_Time1} <= 86400
rahul12 Date Time Test Long
Log This will faile because it's more than 24 hours (86400 sec)
${from1} = Convert Date ${from} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${To1} = Convert Date ${ToLong} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${Subtract_Time1} Subtract Date From Date ${To1} ${from1}
Log To Console ${Subtract_Time1}
Should Be True ${Subtract_Time1} <= 86400
Also you cane use String Library’s Replace String to remove the IST if you need to
${Var_from} Get Text ${locator}
${Var_To} Get Text ${locator}
${from} = Replace String ${Var_from} IST ${EMPTY}
${from1} = Convert Date ${from} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${To} = Replace String ${Var_To} IST ${EMPTY}
${To1} = Convert Date ${To} exclude_millis=yes date_format=%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p
${Subtract_Time1} Subtract Date From Date ${To1} ${from1}
Log To Console ${Subtract_Time1}
Should Be True ${Subtract_Time1} <= 86400
after that I get Value Error: unconverted data remains
how deal with these
Welcome to the community, it’s usually best practice to create a new issue when you have a different issue or the issue your posting in (like this one) is long ago dormant.
A quick question, do you mean that your database servers are returning python objects that are of those types or text strings that look like those types?
Most databases actually store date time values as an interger (usually milliseconds since epoch or similar), so they easiest solution might be to modify the database query to return the date time in the same format, or even better get them both to return seconds since epoch as that will make the calculations much easier.
If they are strings then you’ll probably need to use strftime() and strptime() to make them the same format
If they are python objects then you might be able to do something like datetime.fromisoformat(datetime.date.isoformat()).datetime
Hopefully you’ll find your solution somewhere in there.
You’d most likely get more help raising a new post for your query so it doesnt get lost by OP’s question.
But please see the below example:
*** Settings ***
Library DateTime
*** Test Cases ***
Example Date Time
${example_datetime_date}= Set Variable 2024-04-21
${output_example_datetime_date}= Convert Date ${example_datetime_date} date_format=%Y-%m-%d
Log To Console \n${output_example_datetime_date}
${example_datetime_datetime}= Set Variable 2024-04-24 15:45:21
${output_example_datetime_datetime}= Convert Date ${example_datetime_datetime} date_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Log To Console ${output_example_datetime_datetime}
${difference_in_days}= Subtract Date from Date ${output_example_datetime_datetime} ${output_example_datetime_date} verbose
Log To Console ${difference_in_days}