Getting this exception as tooltip with error-line marking underneath.
#Unresolved library: …/pageObjects/ Error generating libspec: Library ‘LoginPage’ #expected 1 argument, got 0. Consider using default arguments in the …/pageObjects/ #constructor and calling the “Robot Framework: Clear caches and restart” action or adding #“…/pageObjects/” to the “robot.libraries.libdoc.needsArgs” setting to pass the typed #arguments when generating the libspec.
# I referred this file : "" both as Resource and as Library.
Resource ../testCases/
#On referring it as Library, it gives error underline.
Library ../pageObjects/
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Login Page Title
#For the method setUserName(self, username): which is non-static, I created an object but still it did not work.
${loginClassObj}= Evaluate LoginPage()
${username}= Evaluate ${loginClassObj}.setUserName("")
# Another way that I am trying is this:
Evaluate LoginPage.setUserName("")
Evaluate LoginPage.setPassword("yourstore_admin001")
# Another way that I am trying is this:
# based on the fact that I wrote: @keyword("SetPassword"), and @staticmethod in the file
Evaluate setUserName("")
Evaluate SetPassword("yourstore_admin001")
My effort is to use the pytest/python methods as keywords in a robot framework test so that I can write functionality in python and use it in the Robot Framework tests.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Sincere Regards
Worth pointing out too - LoginPage constructor takes driver instance as argument. And if using SeleniumLibrary, there wont be “driver” instance before Open Browser or Create Webdriver has been succesfully called.
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Resource ../pageObjects/
Resource ../testCases/
# Still giving error
Library LoginPage
# Or
Library ../pageObjects/
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Login Page Title
# Based on [@keyword decorator](
**Set Username**
# OR
**Set User Name**
#When run it gives this error
(.venv) PS D:\LEARNING\MY_LEARNING\ROBOTFRAMEWORK_PYCHARM\ROBOTFRAMEWORK\nopCommerceApp\Rf_Tests> robot .\RF_NopCommerce_VerifyPageTitle.robot
**[ ERROR ] Error in file 'D:\LEARNING\MY_LEARNING\ROBOTFRAMEWORK_PYCHARM\ROBOTFRAMEWORK\nopCommerceApp\Rf_Tests\RF_NopCommerce_VerifyPageTitle.robot' on line 4: Library 'LoginPage' expected 1 argument, got 0.**
I am also concerned about two errors:
How to successfully refer to a python file and its methods as a Library
My python file’s constructor take an argument as a driver which is get using the pytest fixture:
Do I need to instantiate an instance of my LoginPage class in Robot framework and then refer its methods using the object? Any link how to do that?
but getting this: TypeError: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘executable_path’ So how to do it on the robot framework side?
Sincere Regards
Do you need to configure the driver with __init__?
You could make life a lot easier on yourself by renaming __init__ to something like set_driver and calling
Set Driver ${driver}
After Open Browser and before Set Username
Also, I’m not an expert on SeleniumLibrary, but I don’t think the value you have for ${driver} in your robot file is what you python code is expecting to receive.
By removing the __init__ with an argument, you can simply import your library with
Based on this: I modified the init constructor in my class
While that approach “could” work as a code without throwing errors, you will end up having 2 browsers open - one where SeleniumLibrary is in control, and second where your python side of things is in control. Pretty sure this is not what you want.
@damies13 suggested that you could add a separate method to your LoginPage class. Here’s something that might work:
Now, what happens is that when constructor is called, self.driver is initialized only if you pass something to it. This would allow loading your class as Library to Robot Framework without triggering error that you are calling a constructor without needed arguments. This is important as the class itself is initialized when it gets loaded and at this time, there is no way you have a instance of driver anywhere.
Then, on Robot Framework side – you open the browser/create driver normally but before you use the keywords from the LoginPage library that you now have, you need to get the current driver that SeleniumLibrary has initialized and pass that to the LoginPage. Something like this.
${sl} Get Library Instance SeleniumLibrary
Set Driver ${sl.driver}
This is only one way to work around the issue you have, im not saying that this is the most optimal but the approach should work if rest of your code is working…
Hi, I am very thankful to your support, @dave and @rasjani.
Based on your last comments I thought to clean the solution and create it from scratch.
Now there are two things.
*** Settings ***
Resource SeleniumDrivers.robot
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ../lib/
Resource SeleniumDrivers.robot
Suite Setup Update Firefox Webdriver
*** Keywords ***
Navigate To Google
${driverpath}= Update Firefox Webdriver
Create Webdriver Firefox
Log "Driver: "
Log ${driverpath}
Set Driver ${driverpath}
Sleep 2s
**# I created this keyword to open**
Open Webpage
Sleep 10s
Set Input Text ROBOT
Hello World ${driverpath}
Sleep 2s
Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Launch Google Website
Navigate To Google
import random
import string
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
__version__ = '1.0.0'
class CustomLib(object):
textbox_search_field = "APjFqb"
textbox_password_id = "Password"
button_login_xpath = "//button[@class='button-1 login-button']"
link_logout_link_text = "Logout"
driverPath = ""
# I declare it to be as Firefox
# driver = webdriver.Firefox()
def __init__(self, driver=None):
if driver:
self.driver = driver
def set_driver(self, driver):
print("driver: " + driver)
self.driver = driver
def get_driver(self):
return self.driver
def open_webpage(self):
def set_input_text(self, text):
self.driver.find_element(By.ID, self.textbox_search_field).clear()
self.driver.find_element(By.ID, self.textbox_search_field).send_keys(text)
def hello_world(self, driverPath):
print("Hello World! ", driverPath)
So the problem now is that I am getting the firefox getting launched but not the url :
So how I can launch the web browser with url From Robot Framework using Selenium?
I am day and night working and wish there could be some proper page where these things are written and examples are there. Please tell me if there any good projects that even are doing these two things:
Launch a web browser using Selenium and the test is written in Robotframe work, but robot framework is not launching the web browser.
Hi @damies13 and @rasjani
Thank you for your guidance I got it working now.
Could you still suggest me what is the best way to learn robot framework, selenium and python, especially robot framework and selenium?
What path I can follow to get myself to the level (to be able to work on robot framework and selenium ) that I can easily do professional development?, of course practice is the key.
Sincere Regards
You are correct practice is key, and asking here on the forums when you don’t understand is a great thing too because you can learn from people like us.
I can’t really give you good resources, because all I did was read the Robot Framework User Guide, I already had a very strong background in test automation and programming, so that was all I needed.
I’ve seen quite a few video’s on YouTube on robot framework, but can’t really say which ones are worth watching but that might be a helpful place to look too.
There are some open source applications that have live demo’s, that could be a good place to practice your test automation skills, just don’t abuse them by running lots of robots or messing up the demo data.But if you already work in a test team the best thing to do is automate the apps and test cases you already have.
Seems to me it directly relates to my newly developed package.
There is a new package that can start keywords written for robot framework in python from pytest behind. The only thing that is needed is to import and write @execute_pyteest decorator above all decorators from pytest.
There is also an example with the selenium web-driver and logging page. Where the driver instance is transferred between the Robot Framework context and pytest context. (created under Roboto Framework and used from Pytest in parametrized test).