That second link you gave, i’ve not used that library before but it looks like it will do what you want.
I followed the link to the home page for that library and found this section: usage
In that example, Register End Keyword listener is what I think your after, and Log is the keyword (replace it with the keyword you want) and the rest of the line are the arguments to Log.
Register End Keyword listener Log message form end keyword listener level=WARN
I tried to use the examples from the listener usage but failed to implement it.
I would like to do some actions ( log + another action) when keyword fails ( generic for all keyword) , how can I use it in test setup/ teardown?
Is it possible to use the listeners ( let say that I have listener for when test fail or pass or skip or keyword pass / fail), in one robot file and use them as a generic action in other test cases / robot files?
I figured the best thing to do was build an example for you, copy this example as moshe.robot and run it, then look at the log.html hopefully it will make everything clear.
As I see it the advantage of using the listener library would be if you wanted to do something after each keyword, otherwise I think the teardown is slightly easier, but both are workable solutions.
*** Settings ***
Library ListenerLibrary
Test Teardown Teardown Keyword
*** Test Cases ***
Moshes Example Passing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Log This is an example of a test that passed
Moshes Example Failing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Fail This is an example of a test that failed
*** Keywords ***
Listener Keyword
Log This line is always executed, ${TEST NAME}: ${TEST STATUS}
Another Keyword
Another Keyword
Log This keyword only gets called by the listener when the test failed.
Teardown Keyword
Log The teardown is called after the Listener Keyword, ${TEST NAME}: ${TEST STATUS}
Yet Another Keyword
Yet Another Keyword
Log This keyword only gets called by the teardown when the test failed.
Another example to demonstrate this for you, save these 3 files, and then call robot Moshe0*.robot and look at log.html
*** Settings ***
Library ListenerLibrary
*** Keywords ***
Listener Keyword
Log This line is always executed, ${TEST NAME}: ${TEST STATUS}
Another Keyword
Another Keyword
Log This keyword only gets called by the listner when the test failed.
Teardown Keyword
Log The teardown is called after the Listener Keyword, ${TEST NAME}: ${TEST STATUS}
Yet Another Keyword
Yet Another Keyword
Log This keyword only gets called by the teardown when the test failed.
*** Settings ***
Test Teardown Teardown Keyword
Resource Moshe_Shared.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Moshes Example 1 Passing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Log This is an example of a test that passed
Moshes Example 1 Failing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Fail This is an example of a test that failed
*** Settings ***
Test Teardown Teardown Keyword
Resource Moshe_Shared.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Moshes Example 2 Passing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Log This is an another example of a test that passed
Moshes Example 2 Failing Test
Register End Test Listener Listener Keyword
Fail This is an another example of a test that failed