How to set RIDE an ipv4 address like a target

Hi evreryone,
im using RIDE to run my testcases and create some log message. I can save the syslog.txt from the testcase that i ran, but i have an application writing in java that allow to capture Trace and display in a his GUI. From there it is easier to manage the syslog from robot. To perform this task within this java app i have to set an IP address from the target(in my case it is RIDE). Any idea how id it is possible and how i can do it ?

thanks in advance

First we need to clarify the participation of RIDE in this process.
You say your tests produce some log message and i have to set an IP address from the target(in my case it is RIDE). Is this log messages the outputs of the Log panel in the Run tab of RIDE? Or, is this some outputs you would see from a normal test execution at the console or terminal?

I think that RIDE has nothing to do with your problem. Confirming this, I suppose that the solution for your problem is to create a listener that would redirect the outputs to the specified IP address.

You have to consult the User Guide, on how to create a listener. After having that, you can include it as an option in the arguments text box of RIDE’s Run tab.