Hello, I am am moving over from Selenium to use the RF Browser Library.
An issue I have is that as I develop my script I like to run it in the browser to see what its doing, gauge progress, and then when it errors, or comes to the end of my script have the browser stay open so that I can troubleshoot/plan what comes next.
But with the RF Browser my browser always closes at the end of the test. Is there away to keep the browser open? How do others work round this?
Example .robot file I’m using
*** Settings ***
Library Browser auto_closing_level=manual
*** Test Cases ***
Has Title
New Browser firefox headless=false
New Page https://playwright.dev/
# It contains Playwright but Im going test for Sausages
Get Title contains Sausages
# Browser now closes but I want it to stay open so I can see why Sausages failed
My Environment is:
Windows 2022, RF 6.1.1, node: 18.18.2, Python 3.11, and using Visual Code
In release 18 it’s possible define Keep option in library import. This will keep node process and the pages open when test execution ends. But it’s users responsibility to close all processes that are left running.