Hi, i created a bot to open up a webpage. Upon open the URL a popup to input username and password is required. How can i achieve this? tried google around but no answer.
You can try this:
{element1} Get Webelement //xpath
Execute Javascript arguments[0]click(); ARGUMENTS ${element1}
It be worth providing more information as in what libraries you are using…
I’m using RPA.Browser.Selenium library
Popup is quite a generic term, because you can have popup’s that are OS level dialogues created by the browser and popup’s that are HTML elements that look like dialogues.
I suggest you use the developer tools of the browser and try to inspect the user name field, if you can inspect it and see it’s an <input type html element then entering the username and password is the same as any other field, otherwise it’s probably an OS level dialogue.
If your still not sure show some screen shots of the popup and might be able to figure it out.
Ok that looks like a chrome generated dialogue.
The easiest way to deal with a dialogue like this is to just put the username and password in the url.
If your url is https://your.host.name/path
it becomes https://username:password@your.host.name/path
, then the dialogue shouldn’t appear and you should get logged in.
If that doesn’t work then perhaps one of these threads will help
- SecureAuth Sign In pop up. How to handle
- Handle Authentication Popup using Selenium Library in Robot Framework
Thanks. is working now. informative information.
How to inspect an text element and write a code to click that particular element which is inside the shadow dom using robot frame work?
You’d in honesty always be best creating a separate post given this here is about a pop up, whereas you’re query is surrounding shadow elements, so you query is hidden as it’s not related to the op, for which your limiting any help/responses you could get.
You’d also be worth providing the library being used, I suspect you won’t be using browser but instead seleniumlibrary if your having problems, but purely an assumption.
Good morning community, maybe you can help me, I am a newbie in this world of robocor, I am trying to automate a login process through a Fortinet VPN client from the desktop of a Windows system and I cannot automate the entry of the password, I have used tools like (Accessibility Insights) to detect the ID and fields.
Hi Francisco,
Welcome to the community,
This topic was marked as solved and your problem is with a desktop app not web app like the original issue, you would be better off posting a new question
Also have you tried and libraries? which ones? mention that when you create a new thread.