How to include list variables in a csv file?

While using datadriver extension to externalize test data, came across this issue where robot complains “Variable ‘@{CENTERS}’ not found” and could not figure out why. Could someone help pls.


*** Settings ***
Documentation    A sample test.
Library          DataDriver    \TestData\\Test.csv
Test Template    Sample Test

*** Test Cases ***
This is a Sample Test   @{CENTERS}

*** Keywords ***
Sample Test
    [Arguments]     @{CENTERS}
    Log Many  @{CENTERS}
    FOR     ${Center}      IN    @{CENTERS}
            IF  "${Center}" == "Input"
                Log     ${Center}

CSV File content:

*** Test Cases ***;@{CENTERS};[Tags];[Documentation]
Validate the ability to access List variables;Input,Output,Admin;;

The argument should not be an unpacken/open list, but just the scalar variable with $ instead of @ in the robot Arguments.

*** Test Cases ***
This is a Sample Test   ${CENTERS}

*** Keywords ***
Sample Test
    [Arguments]     ${CENTERS}
    Log Many  @{CENTERS}
    FOR     ${Center}      IN    @{CENTERS}
            IF  "${Center}" == "Input"
                Log     ${Center}

Such a simple thing. Thank you @René appreciate it.