We’re currently using robot.testdoc
to generate documentation from our Robot Framework test case file, but it doesn’t include keyword documentation. We would like to include the documentation for the keywords used in the test cases in the generated output as well.
Could anyone suggest how we can achieve this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Example of the Test Case File:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test suite Sample
Suite Setup Suite Pre Conditions
Suite Teardown Suite Post Conditions
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Suite Pre Conditions
[Documentation] Pre steps
Log Pre steps
Suite Post Conditions
[Documentation] Post steps
Log Post steps
Create Test File
[Documentation] Create Test File
Log Create Test File
Update Test File
[Documentation] Update Test File
Log Update Test File
Delete Test File
[Documentation] Delete Test File
Log Delete Test File
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Backup and Restore
[Documentation] To verify file creation, update, and deletion
[Tags] tc1
Create Test File
Update Test File
Delete Test File